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The Truth About Drugs

No one questions the severity of the drug problem and its devastating impact on youth. Academic results suffer and, even worse, drugs undermine health and destroy young lives.

The best solution is to reach young people with effective, fact-based drug education—before they start experimenting with drugs. Tweens, teens and young adults who know the facts about drugs are much less likely to start using them.

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free.

No one, especially a young person, likes to be lectured about what he or she can or cannot do. Thus, in partnership with Drug-Free world, Better Living Foundation provides the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place.

This series of interactive Truth About Drugs courses has been designed so you can learn the truth about drugs at your own pace. Find out what drugs are, what they are made of, their short- and long-term effects, and learn the reason why people take drugs in the first place.

You’ll also discover basic facts about the most commonly abused drugs. View real stories from real people about each of the most popular drugs of choice. You’ll hear it from those who lived through the addiction to tell their story.

To begin, choose one of the courses from this link. Drug-Free World Education (